Comprehensive Data Center Engineering

Our Engineering and Project Structure is designed for seamless execution and delivery of data center projects. With a dedicated team covering every aspect of the project lifecycle, from design to implementation and maintenance, we ensure efficient, reliable, and high-quality outcomes for all our clients.

How We Can Help You: Professional Expertise

X1Studio provides you with the solid team of experienced and bilingual specialists  to deliver your projects according to your specifications, on time, and with the highest global standards and technical service to support your project.

Project Manager

BMS Engineer Leader

EPMS Engineer Leader

HVAC Control Engineer Leader

Construction Manager

Application Engineers

On site Engineers

Service Support Leader

Solid Field Expertise

Our professionals bring a wide range of field experience and certifications necessary for the data center space. Skills include HVAC, BMS/BAS/BOS, control wiring, energy saving, project management, commissioning, IoT, network infrastructure design, and more. This expertise ensures that all components of your data center are optimized for peak performance and reliability.

Supported Technologies

X1Studio leverages its extensive experience in BMS engineering to provide top-tier services to owners and general contractors in the five-star hotel data center industry.

Our team excels in the operation and maintenance of building automation systems from  Azbil, Honeywell, Tridium, Distech Controls, Delta Controls and Modius. With numerous professionals certified in open protocol Niagara Framework™, we fully support the integrated needs of our customers.

We have successfully completed large-scale integration projects involving open protocols such as LonWorks and BACnet, as well as the migration of legacy proprietary control systems.