「ヒューマンセントリック」(ヒト中心)のアプローチでIoT技術デザインとコンサルティングの最先端をリードするX1Studio株式会社(本社:東京都港区、ファウンダー兼代表取締役社長:ウィリアム・アチュリ)が、メディア「APAC CIO Outlookにより「TOP IoT SOLUTIONS PROVIDER IN APAC 2024」としてアワードを受賞しました!
APAC CIO Outlook Top page(トップページ)
APAC CIO Outlook Online Magazine(オンラインマガジン)
APAC CIO Outlook X1Studio page(X1Studio取材記事)
PR TIMES (Press Release Japanese only)
ヒューマンセントリックなデザインは、お客さまのペインとウォンツ、行動、体験に応えるシステム、製品、サービスを提供して、ゲストの期待を超える体験価値を提供する X1Studio の設計ポリシーです。「おもてなし」は、「表」(public face)と「なし」(nothing)の組み合わせで、純粋な心からのホスピタリティを示し、ゲストのニーズを先取りして卓越した体験を提供します。
ホテル DX ソリューション「hotelOS」
X1Studio が提供するホテル DX ソリューション「hotelOS」は、ゲストとホテルの心を近づけるおもてなしと、ゲストの利便性向上、オペレーションの最適化を実現します。「hotelOS」を導入することで、オペレーション業務の省力化から顧客満足度の向上、省エネ対応まで、さまざまな課題を解決できます。
PMS(宿泊管理システム)、GRMS(客室管理システム)、In-Room Infotainment、決済システ ム、モバイル 端末等、あらゆるシステムを一元管理し、フロント業務とバックヤード業務の省力化や快適な客室空間の提供、さらに電力と CO2 の削減を実現します。「hotelOS」は、システム間と人と人の距離を縮め、手作業のオペレーションから新しいホテルオペレーションへと変革し、スマートホテルへのバージョンアップを可能にします。
X1Studio は、今後も「Made in Japan」のホテル DX ソリューション「hotelOS」を日本国内およびグローバル展開し、ホスピタリティ業界の顧客体験価値の向上、業務オペレーションの省力化と最適化を実現することに加え、ホテル施設の消費エネルギーと CO2 の削減に貢献してまいります。
■APAC CIO Outlookについて
所在地:東京都港区赤坂2-5-4 赤坂室町ビル6階
代表者:ファウンダー兼代表取締役社長 ウィリアム・アチュリ
hotelOS Webサイト
X1Studio株式会社 マーケティング
X1Studio is awarded as “Top IoT SOLUTIONS PROVIDER in APAC 2024” by APAC CIO Outlook!
X1Studio Co., Ltd. with a human-centric approach to IoT technology design and consulting, (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Founder and CEO: William Achury) is awarded as “Top IoT SOLUTIONS PROVIDER in APAC 2024” by the media APAC CIO Outlook!
Founder and CEO William Achury stated, “I am very pleased to receive this prestigious award. This recognition is a result of our company’s commitment to a human-centric design and our dedication to the principle of hospitality, the consistent implementation of these policies in the market, and the positive feedback we have received from our customers.”
Learn more about the article.
APAC CIO Outlook Top page
APAC CIO Outlook Online Magazine
APAC CIO Outlook X1Studio page
PR TIMES (Press Release Japanese only)
Human-Centric Design and “Omotenashi”
Human-Centric Design is the design policy of X1Studio that focuses on providing systems, products, and services that address the pain points, desires, behaviors, and experiences of customers, delivering value that exceeds guest expectations.
“Omotenashi” is a Japanese concept combining “omote” (public face) and “nashi” (nothing), signifying pure-hearted hospitality. It involves anticipating guests’ needs and delivering an exceptional experience.
Hotel DX Solution “hotelOS”
X1Studio’s hotel DX solution, “hotelOS,” brings the hospitality closer to guests and hotels, enhancing guest convenience and optimizing operations. By implementing “hotelOS,” hotels can address various challenges, from streamlining operations and improving customer satisfaction to energy-saving measures.
“hotelOS” offers unified management of all systems, including PMS (Property Management System), GRMS (Guest Room Management System), In-Room Infotainment, payment systems, and mobile devices. It facilitates the simplification of front desk and back-office operations, provides comfortable guest room environments, and reduces electricity and CO2 emissions.
“hotelOS” shortens the distance between systems and between people, transforming traditional manual operations into new hotel operations and enabling upgrades to smart hotels.
X1Studio will continue to expand its “Made in Japan” hotel DX solution, “hotelOS,” both domestically and globally. The company aims to enhance customer experience value in the hospitality industry, streamline and optimize operational workflows, and contribute to reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions in hotel facilities.
■About APAC CIO Outlook
The media aimed at IT and business leaders in the Asia-Pacific region. It primarily targets CIOs, CTOs, and IT executives, providing the latest technology trends, industry news, success stories, and expert interviews. The media also hosts award programs and industry events that recognize technological innovations and outstanding IT solutions. As a trusted source of the latest information in the IT industry in the Asia-Pacific region, it is widely supported by many CIOs and business leaders.
■About X1Studio
- Location: 6th Floor, Akasaka Muromachi Building, 2-5-4 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
- Representative: Founder and CEO William Achury
- Established: September 2020
- Business Overview: IoT technology design and consulting, Technology solutions, Development and sales of software applications, Development, manufacturing, sales, and import/export of hardware, IT consulting
X1Studio Official Website
hotelOS Website
■Contact Information
X1Studio Marketing